Construction of Tailings Dam

Project Overview

The project involves the supply and maintenance of the required earthmoving fleet of equipment and competent personnel to move the 680,000m3 of material required to construct the Tailings Dam embankment. 


  • WTC was engaged to deliver a new tailing dam to store tailing produce from the coal handling process at Ulan Coal for Glencore. 
  • 20,880 (current) man hours on site with zero reportable incidents. 


Key scope elements included: 

  • Establishing safe access to the foundation of the embankment, which stands at a height of 47 meters. 
  • Foundation preparation including desilting of 120,00m3 of unsuitable material. 
  • Handling of decant tailing water. 
  • 356,000m3 cut to fill earthworks. 
  • Implementing a chimney filtration system capable of handling 322,00m3 of coarse rejects. 
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